Saturday, February 13, 2010

Watch out I have succumbed to the world of blogging.

So I have been fighting the world of cyber communication ( blogs, twitter, facebook,) but it is a loosing battle. Josh you have won the battle I am here. Check him out at

Any way the reason I am here is to have another outlet to spread the passions I have for life, I am planting a church within a small church in Dawsonville GA , we are meeting semi- regular and I hope to use this blog to help stay connected with Friends and family who are involved, we hope to grow into a healthy Gospel centered light in Dawson and the surrounding areas. We will be a couple of things, we will be Gospel centered and Bible driven. I think this well lead us down a road very different than the churches we grew up in here in the bible belt. Ask me questions about this i would love to talk about it! We will also be working hard to bring the love of Jesus to the local needs around us, this will not be over looked, Christ will be made much of in our city, our work places, and our neighborhoods! Our next meeting is Feb 27th come on out!

I hope to rase awareness with what is going on in Cambodia with a ministry I'm involved with, check them out as well! My friend Bob is in Cambodia right now working on organizing some big things! One of them being a orphan sponsorship program that will be awesome, it will be set up similar to any child sponsorship organization such as World Vision. We will change the country of Cambodia Through Education, supplying basic needs, and most of all bringing the love of Jesus to the people.

There is more much more but for my first blog post (if thats what you call it) I think this will do! I am not a writer there will be misspelled words so don't feel the need to point them out! but if you must I can handle it. cheers.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is awesome TJ!! Who all is involved with your new church plant? You might want to post where your church is meeting. i shared your blog on my facebook page. I have alot of friends throughout Dawsonville that you never know might be interested in coming to the new church meetings. God bless you! and from the moment I met you those many years ago I knew you had a heart for God!! Love you buddy!

  3. Sherri thanks so much! We will be meeting the last sat night of every month, this month its the 27th. Its in the main building at North Ga Church.

  4. I am proud to see crist at work in you TJ.
    Some quoted facts:

    Communist Persecutions under the KhmerRouge in Cambodia just between 1975-1979 were estimated to be 42,000. Some in the group P.Temp Im (1975) J.C Salas (1976) B.C Chunsar ( 1976).
    Some other notes: Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia in 1975 and renames it Democratic of Kampuchea; They slaughter 2 million, Execute 80% of all city dwellers including known Christians by 1979.
    In 1979 the Khmer Rouge is overthrown.

    The personal revolution of becoming a Christian has always been the only basis of true freedom and real change. Though the truths of God's Word and his kingdom are eternal and umchanging they are cintinually made new to every person who encounters them. Throughout history great change has only been made by those hungriest for truth and thoes not content to simply follow the beliefs of others, but who instead demand the genuine revelation of coming to know God personally. Those who will accept no less than that are the ones who become "WORLD CHANGERS"
    Love you man.
